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Legal notice



73 route de Bagnols, 30340 Saint-Privat-Des-Vieux

Email: contact@wbi-france.com
Phone: 04 66 55 39 95


OVH Groupe SAS, a company registered in the Lille Trade and Companies Register under number 537 407 926 and located at 2, rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix




Webdesign and development: Crayon Digital

The Site and the present legal notice are subject to French law.

Intellectual property rights attached to the Site

The Site is a work of the mind protected by intellectual property law. The Site and each of its components (such as trademarks, logos, photographs, images, illustrations, texts, video clips, etc.) are the exclusive property of WBI, which is the only party entitled to use the intellectual property rights and personality rights pertaining thereto, and does not grant any license or any other right than that of consulting the site.

The reproduction of all documents published on the site is only authorized for the exclusive purpose of information for a strictly personal and private use. Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the site, or of any of its components, on any medium whatsoever, and in any form whatsoever, for other purposes, and in particular commercial, is expressly prohibited.

Any request for authorization must be sent to the following email address: contact@wbi-france.com

Any unauthorized use constitutes an infringement punishable by law

Use of the site

WBI strives to update the content of the Site and to provide Users with accurate information. However, WBI cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or completeness of the data on the Site. WBI declines all responsibility for any inaccuracy or omission concerning the data available on the Site as well as for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to a modification of the said data. Any error or omission should be notified to the following email address: contact@wbi-france.com

Access to the Site

WBI strives to keep the site accessible, but is under no obligation to do so. It is specified that for maintenance purposes, updating, and for any other reason, including technical, access to the Site may be interrupted. WBI is in no way responsible for these interruptions and the consequences that may result for the user.

Copyright ©Wood Buildings Industry